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In spring 2022, the Eco-Good-Award will enter its fifth round. Students at the bbw Hochschule are called upon to enter their projects, which set impulses for social, entrepreneurial or political change in terms of environmental awareness and show the successful transfer from teaching to application.
Since 2018, the award has been presented to students at the Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Eberswalde, and now, for the first time, also at the bbw Hochschule in Berlin in parallel. Current project ideas are sought that have been developed within the framework of the studies and at the same time set impulses for social change in terms of environmental awareness. The range of possible topics extends from transport to procurement guidelines to food consumption. This year, for example, a project dealing with sustainable procurement prevailed; last year, the award went to a team that developed a clean-fleet strategy for a medium-sized, regional company; the year before, a project dedicated to food waste won the award.
All topics that deal with the responsible use of energy and materials, water, waste, biodiversity and emissions and show a clear relevance to the everyday life of individuals or organisations are eligible.
The award is presented by the Centre for Sustainable and Innovative Concepts for the Promotion of the Good Life (
www.zenikplus.de). It is endowed with 300 euros and is awarded at the bbw Hochschule at the beginning of each summer semester. The jury consists of Prof. Dr. Thoralf Buller as initiator, Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad and Prof. Dr. Armin Thoma. In addition, guest jurors from academia and/or practice are invited each year to assist. This year, the award was presented by Benjamin Raschke, leader of the Bündnis90/Grüne parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament.
For further questions please contact
Prof. Dr. Thoralf Buller
Further information on zenikplus: The Centre for Sustainable and Innovative Concepts for the Promotion of the Good Life as a centre of applied research has dedicated itself not only to research and teaching, but above all to the transfer to everyday business reality. It conducts low-threshold, applied research that can be implemented with few resources and in a relatively short time. In particular, the aim is for students to translate what they have learned into small projects within a semester. The zenikplus centre is managed by Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad from the HNEE and Prof. Dr. Thoralf Buller from the bbw Hochschule.
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